millercarbon >>>
Yesterday, I finally got around to straightening out the jumble of wires and extension cords I was using for my PC setup. I got a nice ten-receptacle power strip at Lowes to hook everything up. Before plugging everything in, I treated all of the connections with TC. Right off the bat, the sound improved immensely. I'm using a pair of Audio Engine A2+ speakers for the computer system. These little speakers can really sing. The reduction in noise from using the TC is really amazing.
Yesterday, I finally got around to straightening out the jumble of wires and extension cords I was using for my PC setup. I got a nice ten-receptacle power strip at Lowes to hook everything up. Before plugging everything in, I treated all of the connections with TC. Right off the bat, the sound improved immensely. I'm using a pair of Audio Engine A2+ speakers for the computer system. These little speakers can really sing. The reduction in noise from using the TC is really amazing.