Snake oil??

Well, on March 8th, at the age of 64, I suffered a mild stroke. I have felt that things were returning to normal for the last few weeks. Now I’m not so sure. I just reviewed an email that came to me from Agon about a mysterious substance involving something called 3-Dimensional Enhancer, the NPS 1260. It claims to cure literally all my audio problems for the low price of $599. Is this some leftover April Fools thing or am I having some sort of stroke relapse?   I’m hoping that MC has some form to sage advice for this conundrum. 
Would it be "Snake Oil" at $5.99 a bottle?

If not, when on the price continuum between $5.99 and $599.00 does it transform into "Snake Oil"? 
Frank, Yeah and nobody else has a clue. Those of us who know, the only question here is how good a copy do they have? If it is a really good knock-off then it could be worth every penny. Only problem with that being, who of us who has tried the real thing is gonna fork over to find out? Few if any. Okay so then so if someone does try it, but they never tried TC, then how are they gonna know just how good it is? They aren't. 

The conundrum is, we know it is entirely possible to make something so good nobody can hardly even believe it. I mean even you and me who have used it all over the place, even we can hardly believe how good it is. Like you just said, fricken PC sounds good now. Crazy. But that is up against a crowd where some of these guys are so dense they still don't get that contacts cleaned with ordinary alcohol is an improvement. They don't get anything. Zip. Nada. If it ain't an amp or a speaker it's snake oil. 

Oh well. At least we got our insanely 'you are there' systems to enjoy. It all evens out in the end.
"Would it be "Snake Oil" at $5.99 a bottle?
If not, when on the price continuum between $5.99 and $599.00 does it transform into "Snake Oil"? "

It’s not primarily a price issue.

It’s a question of something purporting to do something out of the ordinary, when it clearly doesn’t.

"I just reviewed an email that came to me from Agon about a mysterious substance involving something called 3-Dimensional Enhancer, the NPS 1260. It claims to cure literally all my audio problems for the low price of $599."

Therefore it’s safe to classify it as a simple contact cleaner being sold as snake oil.

Breathtakingly expensive top of the range snake oil, but snake oil nevertheless.

If you believe in the need for contact enhancers, and many don’t, they argue that the simple breaking and making a connection every couple of months is sufficient, then the tried and trusted Caig Deoxit D5 contact enhancer might be more palatable to your pocket.

Or a careful wipe with a trusted metal cleaner or simple wipe with isopropyl alcohol instead.

As Mark Twain once wrote, ’you pays your money and you takes your choice’.
As Mark Twain said, "What gets us into trouble isn't what we don't know. It's what we know that just isn't so."

There you go. Blathering about what you 'know' that isn't so.