Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
Peter Ledermann is a living example of the old art of craftsmanship. Skills that were passed down father to son, or to apprentices, we may now lose altogether if we lose Peter. Let's hope he pulls through- and recovers and gets busy training others to carry on with the craft.
My Straingauge is currently winging it's way across the Atlantic to NYC for stylii replacements/energiser upgrade.
Peter gets my full patience.
All the best to Peter.  You are in the thoughts of many more than you can even imagine.  Get well soon.