Itching for an SACD player

I presently own an Audio Aero Prima. I was good to go (and still may) this Spring with an APL Denon 3910, but the purchase of new speakers, cabling etc. may mean a hold on the APL. What is out there in the way of SACD/CD player that will sound significantly better than my Prima, and do SACDs? Mods and used are cool, as well. I just don't think I will be able to go for $6.5k for the APL, and with the way digital is going, the APL may be dated by the time I receive it. Not really, of course, but you get my drift? thanks in advance. peace, warren
You won't go wrong with a Modwright 9000ES (w/ Bon Mods) or a Modwright 999ES, in that order. Great players for the $$. The 999ES easily bettered an AA Prima DAC mkII when I had both in my system concurrently.
As well as the excellent options Tvad mentions above you may also consider TRL.

TRL offers many options at bargain prices, which may get you by for a while. :)


Sony DVP-NS900V modded by TRL. If you can find one used the cost including mods will be in the $1250 - $1500 neighborhood.