Why do you Pick a Certain Speaker producer?

Hello. I am just curious, why does anyone pick a particular speaker producer? Are you actually looking for a certain type of Loudspeaker or just a name. Thanks.
I have been a Mirage fan for many years because I like their tonal balance and transparency, but especially I like their omnidirectional dispersion patterns that create a realistic, stable soundstage and the more realistic timbres that come from energizing a room in a way similar to live voices and music. Now that Klipsch has dumped their high end lines and continues only their "lifestyle" products, I'm not sure what I'll be getting 10 years down the road.

Although they're not omnis, I like Sonus Faber a lot. I like their combination of linearity, resolution, and musical tonal balance. I also like Magnepans for similar reasons, though they usually need a good pair of subs to complete them.
The sound. Otherwise, why bother?

The make and rep of a speaker may draw you in for a listen but by all means, never let that be the deciding factor.

Reading between your lines, are you leaning towards a particular speaker that your ears love but your eyes don't?

Trust your ears.
I bought the "new and improved" version of a speaker I really enjoyed, thinking I would like it better. Flawed logic. Blew a wad of cash on that mistake. Come to think of it I've done that twice now. Duh. Unfortunately a manufacturer's design philosophy may not carry over to subsequent efforts.
I don't usually listen, I first look at what spikes come with the speakers. I dunno, I just like cool spikes.
Then I look at the brand name. Is it easy to spell? Does the name roll off my tounge or is it difficult to pronounce. I might listen if there are 2 speakers with cool spikes and single-syllable names just to pick a winner.

Your method is just as effective as any other. I don't think you can buy a BAD speaker these days.