Why do you Pick a Certain Speaker producer?

Hello. I am just curious, why does anyone pick a particular speaker producer? Are you actually looking for a certain type of Loudspeaker or just a name. Thanks.
I bought the "new and improved" version of a speaker I really enjoyed, thinking I would like it better. Flawed logic. Blew a wad of cash on that mistake. Come to think of it I've done that twice now. Duh. Unfortunately a manufacturer's design philosophy may not carry over to subsequent efforts.
I don't usually listen, I first look at what spikes come with the speakers. I dunno, I just like cool spikes.
Then I look at the brand name. Is it easy to spell? Does the name roll off my tounge or is it difficult to pronounce. I might listen if there are 2 speakers with cool spikes and single-syllable names just to pick a winner.

Your method is just as effective as any other. I don't think you can buy a BAD speaker these days.
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First I let my wife pick it. A happy wife is a happy sound. Then I ask her if it is the right color, size and price. She doesn't care about the sound so I don't either. I think this is actually how I go about it- I have found it takes me about 6 months to get a handle on the microdynamcs, which matters a lot to me. And so after finding a speaker that sounds good and auditioning it I need to know more about longer term use with it. So I hope to get comments on that.