Cardas Clear breakin. How many hours needed?

I purchased a new pr 6 meter XLR’s and 2 meter pr clear speaker cables. Need some feedback from actual users of these cables on how long of a breakin period before they’re sonically right.
Anti cable breakin theorists need not chime in please. 
hiendmmoe, a 25+ year Cardas cable owner here. Been through many.

While I don’t use their interconnects any more, I still use the speaker cables. Owned and resisted again after the all new clear line came out. Demo’d some of the newer cables from Cardas past few years too. Learned a bit from George Cardas and a good friend. We concluded two things after repeated test case scenarios over a few decades. The stiffer cables do change after "2-3 weeks of total relaxation" "sitting there, not fooling with them" and "not moving them". They come new all coiled up in a box, lots of tension in the wire. After they relax, the wire tension starts to relax, the sound starts to change. Goes from a centered hole sound to a wider and more expansive sound. This occurs regardless if you play them or not. Worst case, give it 30 days and try again, see what happens.

Skeptics will chime in and let them, most will be people who’ve tried a few different versions of the cables and moved on too quickly. After switching from SS to tube amps, I’ve resold many of my older golden series cables to people with brighter sounding higher end solid state amplifiers looking for a "filter" as I think of it now. I tried and demo’d some of the new "Clear" line, and most of it is pretty neutral sounding, if that’s what you like and want. They can seem to be kinda thin and overly transparent at first. With "6 meters" of cable in XLR, I’ve never gone that long, and while it should not be a problem its a special test case, you will need to give it a long TIME to reveal best-case results.

I’m using a different brand IC now, and found the same occurs, particularly with "some" complex design OCC continuous copper cables, almost unbearable to listen to first 50hrs. Even to my own disbelief at first, changed at 200-300hrs as per the manufacturer recommendation. Naysayers no need to respond, yes it is hard to believe, and true. Argh, way too long to realize benefit. Almost gave up on my last two pars. No, ears and brain did not "adjust". It just took time. Patience did pay off, eventually.

Can you get to a point of 30+ days of solid playing listening time and (not fooling with moving the cables around at all, letting them rest in place) and report back on results?  After this amount of actual playing time, it pretty much is what it "is".  

I believe that cables don't need to break in (or burn in). This is because they are not mechanical - like headphones or speakers.

The actual phenomenon has to do with moving parts that are settling into place.  With cables, either they work out of the box, or there is a wiring fault.
Coppers, 25-100 hours, The terminal ends take the longest with copper unless they are copper.

Copper/Silver clad. The larger the strand the longer it takes. 200-400 hours

Silver, the larger the strand the longer the BREAK - IN. (Burn-In LOL)

They all better sound good within 25 minutes, BUT some constructs NO MATTER the manufacture take a while to BREAK-IN and a good 24 hours to settle.

Line level cables, just like phono stage, tonearm cable, and internal tonearm wire, take a LONG time.. The voltage is REAL low.

AGAIN if the cable was PRE conditioned that can cut the time by 50% as far as SQ. That is usually the ONLY difference between a lot of the manufactures is how much the cable is preconditioned.. Makes a heck of a difference in "out of the box" experience. Some cable guys do different conditioning too, like jumping cars for a week or so.. That will warm up the ol cables...:-)
