Thinking of rcprince who works in Manhattan

Please tell us, that you are well. Älso hoping, that all of you and your loved ones are safe and sound. Our prayers are with you. God bless you all and your great country.
Russ, Ray & others, it's a relief to see you're here (but what of so many others...). Was away with no Net access when this happened.

How are U faring after witnessing this..? What's going on in NY now? "Getting over" a shock is easy to write about, difficult to do.
To Russ, Rayhall and all New Yorkers, my thoughts are surely with you all. In an event such as this one's perspective about everything is altered. I feel certain mine has forever and to those that actually lived through this, I just can't imagine. I pray for the survivors of this tragedy and may their faith, neighbors and friends help give them the strength to deal with their losses. I sure hope that something ultimately good comes out of the ashes of this horrific mess.

Sincerely, Will