@wolf_garcia ...buy some drum sticks and you can add all the racket you'd care to. *L* As long as you don't tap out on the lp itself... ;)
@nitroxpro....My hearing aids Really made a difference; not so much as to enjoyment of my rather broad taste in selection of selections, but in restoring the recognition of same. This 'getting older' routine may not be avoidable (unless one opts for the 'painting in the attic' scenario....I don't have an attic, so I'm kinda screwed *L*).
As for the 'selections', and what happened betwixt the artist(s) and self...
We're locked into 'what it Is', as it's presented to us, the 'listening public'.
We can diddle with it....eq, drag the speakers about, pad the room, play 'musical widgets' with our pile of widgets, swap cables until the floor looks like an explosion in the pasta palace.....
It really is a matter of taste....'weapons of choice'...attack those notes. *G*