I must be old

Listening tonight to Heavy Weather on first vinyl then CD through a Sonica DAC it occurs to me that there are no pops, the stage separation is larger, the dynamics are larger and the instruments are better defined. My record album is not brand new. It has surface noise. My CD does not. I want to love my vinyl but unless I buy perfect new LPs I cannot tolerate the surface noise or lack of frequency limitations for the sake of euphonic sound. Am I crazy?  Misinformed?  Stupid?  I have been an audiophile for 50 years. 
I don't think your observation and preferences are unique.

I have both analog and digital sources.

Streaming provides is much easier to change music than my turn table.

And I do notice pops on some LPs.

What I also notice is the LP experience is different - the selection of music.  The engagement with others if joining me in a listening session.  And the sound typically is more 'rhythmic' is the word I'll use.  The resonance and vibrations in the room are more natural.

Is the sound floor as quite - not if there's a pop on a record.  Are the highs as high...I notice them to be less harsh and symbol crashes have a natural ring to them.

Both have their time and place for me.  
@wolf_garcia ...buy some drum sticks and you can add all the racket you'd care to. *L*  As long as you don't tap out on the lp itself... ;)

@nitroxpro....My hearing aids Really made a difference; not so much as to enjoyment of my rather broad taste in selection of selections, but in restoring the recognition of same.  This 'getting older' routine may not be avoidable (unless one opts for the 'painting in the attic' scenario....I don't have an attic, so I'm kinda screwed *L*).

As for the 'selections', and what happened betwixt the artist(s) and self...
We're locked into 'what it Is', as it's presented to us, the 'listening public'.
We can diddle with it....eq, drag the speakers about, pad the room, play 'musical widgets' with our pile of widgets, swap cables until the floor looks like an explosion in the pasta palace.....

It really is a matter of taste....'weapons of choice'...attack those notes. *G*
If one chooses to become a LP disciple, it starts with putting the effort to either bin dive and do some kind of cleaning or open your wallet-get a "stamper"(enough plugging for you know who).

If you choose not to do either, then you're left with those questionable overpriced  reissues and "audiophile" LPs.

I own many different colored jumpsuits for my "stamper" finds.

Clicks and pops can be minimize to the point of just about "perfect" but that goes back to effort. After that, if the system is decent an errant stitch is easily dismissed for an organic, believable presentation.

No you are not stupid vinyl is a more interactive and fun medium and there are a lot of great recordings that will never make it to digital but i would say just listen and have fun like what you like.
I will agree, to some degree, with the lp fandom....

Of the 2 operational ones, a Garrard z100 with Shure M55E and a Teac with it’s OEM cart. Both have new(ish) inserts for contact...
Nothing fancy; they just have to work.
I have a ’project TT’ involving a Rabco SL8. Just for grins, a Stanton 681EE ought to be fun.

Yup, tangital fan. ’Anti-skate’? Why? VTA and I’m gone.

The ’ceremony’ involved with regards to lp care & feeding I grew up with, so no altar boy here. ;)

Although not possessing as many discs as most, the ones that ’made the cut’ are still here. Personal prefs, you understand....*s*

There’s others; no real attachment, just a ’rescue situation’. A few keepers that could be weeded out. No rush...

I’m a Believer in staying current, but not overboard. Things change too much too quickly of late, and I’m not able to keep a grip on the ’bleeding edge’ of audio....then, and certainly not now.
But just keeping my hand in, to the degree I’m willing to and have the time to play with it...

Sure. *g*

I have other ducks to fry and fish to keep in a row..... ;)

Meanwhile, Monday beckons...*eh*
Cheers, J