Interesting 2x2 grid to describe what a component sounds like ... do you agree

i stumbled into the following review of the audio note cobra combo amp -- by a site called twittering machines...

so please page down to about 2/3's through it... there is a photo of the unit with an interesting graphic shown -- posing a framework for describing where on a 2-dimensional sonic spectrum this unit sits --

axis 1 -- 'sonorous' vs 'vivid'
axis 2 -- 'euphonic' vs 'analytical'

this particular unit was plotted as highly vivid and somewhat euphonic

then, to further up the ante -- there is a linear scale below the grid -- where the center section is 'intuitive' and the ends of the scale, both directions, are called 'challenging'

i must admit this framework is interesting, if somewhat confusing ... i am not sure i agree that the two axes are mutually exclusive, they seem to have overlap, but there is some distinction -- the horizontal lower scale seems downright stupid to me

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Created by the sonorous Marketing Division, maybe. :) 

I'd be surprised if Peter Qvortrup had a hand in that graph. 
this particular unit was plotted as highly vivid and somewhat euphonic
To me, the term "plotted" infers some sort of measurement had taken place.

But I believe this is an assessment made by "a listener" and as we all know all listeners are very different.

It is a nice graphic, but for me, it has very little merit

But I might feel different if there was some context as to how it was derived.

Regards - Steve

 Nothing new here...Just another subjective opinion.

 Are the latest   digital "vivid/euphonic" meters being used?  I'm not swayed unless equipment is tested with them.
don't care it is plotted (as in a quantitative way) - certainly this is a subjective listening based judgement

just made me think about the two axes they chose... to me they are not distinct attributes to be separated as they do