need new classical vinyl/LP

I am looking for a recommendation for new pressing of classical music (preferably chamber or orchestral) that represents what vinyl has to offer for this type of music. It must be a 33rpm LP that I can buy new today, shrink-wrapped from Amazon, Acoustic Sounds, or similar. I am not dedicated to vinyl, and I do not want to go treasure hunting for used historical pressings.
     Just recently, I received my newly-restored Beogram 4002 from Soundsmith who did an excellent job. It is like new, including the dust cover. I had the turntable, of which I am the original owner, restored so I can listen to a few existing LP's of sentimental value. But some associates extol the benefits of vinyl that I have not been able to perceive in any of my existing LP's. So, I am curious about current pressings of classical, because my few existing ones, although in excellent condition, do not make a very convincing case for themselves. The service report indicates that Peter Lindermann himself evaluated the cartridge and stylus and projected 500 more hours of use. (He must have done this not long before he was taken ill). So, I don't want to gunk up my pristine stylus with the detritus from a used recording.So, recommendations are welcome.
Just go to Acoustic Sounds and buy a bunch of Nonsuch NM used for $10 a pop!
Yeah, I'm with noromance, just buy good quality used. No matter what you play new or used you clean the stylus after each side so the gunked up thing is non issue issue. Many new pressings, even many audiophile reissues, pale in comparison to the older original copies that are out there, many of them for less money. By the time you have bought a dozen you have saved enough to buy the Walker Enzyme 4 Step cleaning supplies, which you want anyway, even new records sound better after cleaning. 

If after a Ledermann refurb you are "not able to perceive what others extol" then I have to wonder, what are you using for a phono stage?

Thanks all for the excellent suggestions. I shall explore them and make a selection.
I haven't looked at new classical vinyl since before Covid. Looks like slim pickings out there!

Anyone know where to get a good new pressing of the following:

- Stravinsky Conducts Rite of Spring, Columbia Symphony, Columbia records, 1960
- Bernstein/NY Phil, Bartok Concerto for Two Pianos and Percussion, Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, Columbia Records
- Reiner/Chicago, Bartok Concerto for Orchestra, RCA
- Shostakovich Symphony No. 8, Previn/London, Angel