Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

Huh, no wonder that this Ted annoys people so much. Not that the other one is especially likeable. This Ted sneaked in the comments of some other people that Gene clearly did not agree with. Built the case without there being a case.

Once he started with the ending and "employees, America" and what not, he held on to the straw of "I am a good guy". Which he may be, for all I know. Still, it must take a special person to idolize him. Slick salesman. Bernie.

The other guy, as slick with different image.
SR has been in business coming up on 30 years.

(Many of those with the internet throwing its "stuff" around)

One would think, if what they produced was snake oil, the company would have not lasted this long...

One would think, if what they produced was snake oil, the company would have not lasted this long...

That's a rather naive assessment.

You could say "If the claims of the homeopaths weren't true, you wouldn't expect them to have lasted this long..."

Or "If astrology didn't work, it wouldn't have lasted this long..."

Beliefs based on subjectivity,  imagination and misconstrual of evidence can last a loooong time.  Indefinitely, it seems.

That doesn't entail SR is snake oil; only that your point isn't terribly strong. 

Well, why would he come here?

Because this is where their products were being shilled the most on any open forum.
Then admin started to realize it after the so called "naysayers" called the "snake oilers" to task,  obvious then was being used as a free advertising platform, and has now kept all "snake oil" on a tight leash. 
And good on them for doing it, because it was getting out of control. And making a mockery of this web site.
You would never see that amount of "snake oil" getting away with it on a site where the "big boys" are like Nelson Pass, John Curl etc etc etc  

Actually there's a great thought!
Get your messiah from SR to come onto DiyAudio forum and and preach his fuses,hft's, uef's wares there to the "big boys" and see how long he lasts.

One nanosecond would be my guess. 
George creates his own reality, as shown above. Being an incredibly abusive bully, his flagging of posts he doesn’t like has gotten many valid comments deleted, and he mistakenly celebrates this as having Admin on his side.

He’s done the same on other threads which have nothing to do with SR or any kind of tweak. It’s how he operates. One can disagree on an amp design and if he feels threatened, he has a post deleted. I’ve read where members have complained of this but to no avail.

If Admin were really against SR and their products, they’d speak out about it like they’ve done with political debates that’ve gotten out of hand. I can’t recall anytime that Admin has injected their beliefs on a product into any discussion. If George knows of any, he should point it out. George just wants us to believe that Admin is as bad an actor as he is.

All the best,