Well, why would he come here?
Because this is where their products were being shilled the most on any open forum.
Then admin started to realize it after the so called "naysayers" called the "snake oilers" to task, obvious then was being used as a free advertising platform, and has now kept all "snake oil" on a tight leash.
And good on them for doing it, because it was getting out of control. And making a mockery of this web site.
You would never see that amount of "snake oil" getting away with it on a site where the "big boys" are like Nelson Pass, John Curl etc etc etc
Actually there's a great thought!
Get your messiah from SR to come onto DiyAudio forum and and preach his fuses,hft's, uef's wares there to the "big boys" and see how long he lasts.
One nanosecond would be my guess.