Speaker Cables

Speakers cables with best synergy with ProAc D30Rs? Two sets of cables vs one pair with jumpers? Thank you.
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" Why do members with considerable sums of money invested have to listen to your negativity and rude put-down??? Do you really believe so many enthusiasts across so many forums are all delusional?"

First, I am not putting anyone down.

Secondly and more importantly, yes, most of the audiogon contributors are indeed delusional :-) That is not a putdown but reality.
... Years ago, I think it was Stereophile or The Absolute Sound, just for fun, went to Home Depot and got a 12 gauge extension cord and threw it into the mix. It was actually really good. So, for my let's see... $5 or 6K system crammed in my office it is great. But for my main system with Sonus Faber Amati Traditional speakers and All Audio Research Reference stuff, it doesn't cut it.

While I was building some speakers using White Supra for internal wiring , and using Cardas bi-wire or Apature or AudioQuest for my main speakers over the years, thought I'd give the "Home Depot" wire a test while waiting for parts.  Turned out to be a waste of money for a test. 

Tried both, the extension cord -and- the brown roll wire test. Neither were really any good, kinda grainy, not smooth.  Would be okay for a cheap 3rd system with veiled over speakers or something.

The whole "just go to Home Depot" and get some wire is a joke or its good enough for a basic system at best.  If it makes no difference on a system compared to other decent OFC or OCC cables, either the system itself is mediocre grade or there is a hearing problem going on with the listener if they are unable to discern a difference. Best of luck. 

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Higher capacitance will start rolling off the higher frequencies
Quit just parroting stuff you read on the web. For normal runs capacitance will never roll off the highs in the audio bandwidth. It‘s marketing BS by shonkies like Blue jeans. Do the basic maths.

And the assertion you made above is incorrect. People do hear a difference: on a regular basis, as many of the previous posts indicate.