Crossover with variable slope and time delay

Are there any pre- or integrated amplifiers (besides Devialet)  with crossovers that have 1-4 order options and time delay?

I have a Devialet Expert 400 running Wilson-Benesch Vectors with a distributed bass array powered by a Dayton SA1000. I am considering upgrading and was initially simply going to replace the D400 with a D440 but I do not want to rule out other components that might also fit the bill. Willing to go integrated or separate. I also need a moving coil phono input and DAC is desirable since I have limited space and wish to maintain the WAF. I think 150 watts at a minimum, recognizing that not all watts are created equal. 
I have looked at Bel Canto Black, McIntosh, Levinson, Anthem, Trinnov Amethyst, Legacy Wavelet, and others. 
I believe time correction and the ability to apply different slopes is important. Happy to be convinced otherwise because it opens up possibilities.

Thanks for asking, Erik. 
NO worries. I just wanted to understand just how much flexibility you needed and whether you had the tools and experience to set them accurately.  Otherwise, a system with built in room calibration is a lot more suitable.

You can use almost any of the miniDSP units for your needs.
I am considering the addition of room correction as well but at this point it is of secondary import. It would be nice to have but its absence is not a deal-breaker.
OP Eriks solution is a great way for around 150.00 or so. 

I've used Dayton's.

I currently use Behringer DCX 2496, as an active XO for bass management.

WHY? here is the deal for bass drivers and dampening to work (overshoot). The amp has to be directly coupled to the drivers. NO passive XO. Anything between the driver and the amp including long or small speaker cables.. This is where Heavy copper and short runs are your friend..

Once you clean up the BASS mess, correctly, everything else will work perfectly with passive crossovers in the mids and highs..

300 hz and down.. is alway a mess. I've tried and still have GRs OB servo system. To tell the truth my Behringer set up is better. 

It will control 6 amps for 6 bass units.. I use MB columns and med large double driver passive subs. (4.5 QF). 

Full blown active DSP, daisy chainable, threashold, time delay, at least 20 types of XO from 1-4 order, summation for a third channel, mic tap for laptop visual and correction.. OTF correction.. 300.00 usd.. NEVER had one fail.. BTW there is a guy that will hot rod the heck out of one, for about 1K..

15-20 years now.. Serious piece of very flexible gear.. Great for building Passive XOs too.. It's what I use..

Time to feed the chickens..

I mention room correction not for the room correction but for the automatic subwoofer configuration.  Without some experience and tools this is not trivial and ARC systems can do this exactly right every time.