Typical lifespan for a 5 channel power amp?

Hello All,

So last year I had a chance to get my hands on a Simaudio Moon Titan HT200 5 channel amp. It was listed for $5500 on Ebay. I threw out an offer of 3K cash never ever expecting to get it, yet they accepted (I was within driving distance and that was very intriguing for the seller to not have to ship this beast and we did it offline thereby saving the seller fees, etc). It had low hours and really is in pristine shape. I had wanted this amp since it first came out in early 2000. Don't get me wrong I am thrilled with this amp and love it. However I can't help but feel since it is quite a bit older, and I do use it every single day for music, tv watching, movies, how many more years does this thing have left? Would I be better selling now while it still is in full, pristine operating condition and getting something new like say an Earthquake Cinenova Grande or ATI 6005?

Any thoughts/advice greatly appreciated...
Nobody knows. It depends on so many different things it would be hard to take an accurate guess. My advice is to use it and enjoy it until you notice something wrong with the sound. A call to the manufacturer will give you the advice you need. 
I have an Adcom 7400 or 7500? What a work horse.. I took the top off a few yeas back before I stored it.. All the modules looked great.. Sounded great for a 5 channel. I used it to biamp a pair of DIY shop speakers for 15 years.. 40 yeas old at least.. The channel that was left over powered 2 15" pro subs with ease.. That was a great work place system.. Serious Christmas Parties.. LOL
I have had some amps for decades. I have never had one go out. My current Rotel 5 channel has been operating in the same cabinet for nearly 20 years.
With multi channel HT amplifiers the technology becomes obsolete before the operational lifespan. 
Thank you for all the great advice folks! I always appreciate and value the time and opinions of those of you here that take the time to respond and help...You have definitely boosted my confidence level and I am leaning heavily towards keeping and just enjoying (continuing to enjoy) this magnificent unit. Back in the day it was my "dream" piece when it first came out but I could not afford it. So I ended up going with Rotel RMB1095, @ghdprentice :)...I LOVED that amp and only sold it because of my divorce. But getting this unit was a dream come true, especially for the price. Honestly I almost felt guilty especially when I saw it. But again I was willing to drive (4+ hours) and offered cash in hand so he relented after trying to negotiate a bit but I wouldn't go above the 3K...

Much as I would have hated to sell the Simaudio (interestingly Dynaudio actually recommends Simaudio gear as an excellent match with their speakers-and I currently have Dynaudio Evoke speakers), it is getting up there in age and I was a bit concerned that maybe best to make a move before it's life cycle comes to an end and I really had no idea of the typical lifespan. I will say that in the 1 year + I have had it it barely gets even lukewarm even after running all day long. There was only 1 occasion where it was actually a bit on the hot side to the touch but that was after running all day in 5 channel stereo mode at pretty loud levels...

Once again thank you all for taking the time to respond :)