Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.

It Covid happened during Ted's time, 
Ted with his Gibson Brydland along with  cranked Fender Twins would have sent it back China.
CDC data show total deaths right in line with historic averages. Only a LOT less cause of death cardiac, almost exactly matching the increase in cause of death covid.

Social Security data show no change in payments. Social Security payments end on death regardless of the cause of death. Any increase in deaths and it will show up in Social Security payments data.

There is no increase in mortality. There are no excess deaths. The plandemic is in fact a hoax.

This does not mean there is no virus, that it does not sicken and even kill some people. So does the regular old seasonal flu. Which all the statistics tell us this is no worse than.

Ted Nugent whatever his faults is a man in favor of liberty and individual rights and responsibilities. Anyone happy to see him stricken for any reason ought to be ashamed.

Tablejockey, enough with the shameless virtue signaling already. I dig turntable tablejockey, but not political tablejockey. You stay away from politics, I won’t have to rub your face in your blatant Marxism. Deal?
Money, and position often convinces people that they are smarter than they really are. Case in point. Good at guitar, not so good at critical thinking. That never happens with audiophiles of course.
CDC data show total deaths right in line with historic averages.
Completely false. CDC data is here.
It's one thing to question the data. It's another to misrepresent what data reveal.