Magico Customer service

Is it considered to be good to include second hand speakers? Service provided on out of warranty products says a lot about a company. Thanks for any opinions.
I'm not that impressed with magical for the money it's way overpriced and it sure is ugly looking just metal boxes at least monitor audio platinum has 11 layers of hand polished lacquer on it and there's still only one quarter of the price and sound just as good or better than anything magico makes. And incidentally monitor audio has a team of 20 engineers designing all their drivers so everything is in house, and they also have two anachoic Chambers one in England one in China which cost a million dollars each to build.
Hey urbie, it's Magico, not magical. Also, try using periods and commas once in a while.
Kenjit is just spouting nonsense like he always does. Best advice, just ignore.
kenjit, a Bugatti is just a car with a engine and some tires right? Your garbage analogies are just that, garbage.  Urbie, no matter how much you want it and wish for it, Monitor audio speakers do not sound as good as Magicos, sorry I have heard them and it's not even close. monitors are not bad speakers, they just don't sound as good as Magicos latest offerings. Magicos are a great product that actually jusify their place in the market, unlike so many other manufacturers.