The Absurdity of it All

50-60-70 year old ears stating with certainty that what they hear is proof positive of the efficacy of analog, uber-cables, your favorite latest and greatest audio "advancement." How many rock concerts under the bridge? Did we ever wear ear protection with our chain saws? Believe what you will, but hearing degrades with age and use and abuse. To pontificate authority while relying on damaged goods is akin to the 65 year old golfer believing his new $300 putter is going to improve his game. And his game MAY get better, but it is the belief that matters. Everything matters, but the brain matters the most.
I've seen Iron Maiden 4 times not once with ear protection. Yes I am a complete zipperhead. My 3rd time was @ MSG in 2016 and my ears literally rang for 4 days. I have lost quite a bit of trust in my ears, but it was so worth it, LOL!

But I can still hear well enough to hear that sweet sound of my Dynaudios and know when I added my Bifrost 2 there was a huge audible improvement!
Possibly of interest: "We propose that age-related hearing loss may be associated with poor micronutrient status. Two of the most common vitamin inadequacies in the elderly are vitamin B-12 and folate (15).....The cochlea of the inner ear is where much of the hearing loss in the elderly is believed to occur (23). The cochlea is highly vascularized and is supported by a single artery. High homocysteine concentrations associated with low vitamin B-12 status, low folate status, or both were shown to be a risk factor for cerebral, coronary, and peripheral vascular disease (24). Perhaps high homocysteine concentrations associated with poor vitamin B-12 or folate status also adversely affect blood flow to the cochlea. Low vitamin B-12 status may also impair myelination of the neurons in the cochlear nerve...."

Thank you for being open to considering these things.

I live with changes, adjustments, components in my system for a while so as to become numb to the changes. I need to hear the thing for what it is, what I like and what I dislike. That takes some time for my brain to shift to the new norm. Then I make changes. 

It's not like its a lot of work anyway, I'm always listening to something be that radio - while working or driving, my DAP if on the subway or traveling, mostly vinyl when "enjoying music" and for convenience (and cost), digital when I try to seek out new music.

Did some listening tests - speed listening yes - to a bunch of vintage amps that a friend had going through his place for one reason or another. Differences were not subtle. Ranging from bright and thin, to dark and bloated, from dynamic to a bit flat. It also happens that he has a ton of speakers in his place of differing designs, styles and sizes. (which I built). The "winner" of the amps, the one we preferred changed with which speaker it was mated with. So, decisions were made about which amp should stay based on removing the least interesting one of the bunch as well as the most "exciting". Interesting side note. I built him a pair of 8" full range horns (took some convincing as his main speakers were British stand mounts) My reasoning was I could build him another 3 way, but why?  He already has one, why not go in a completely different direction and see what you think? He agreed to the 74"X14"X17" double back loaded horns. Are they particularly "accurate" from a measurement stand point? No. I also convinced him to buy a Heathkit tube amp from 1963, as a cheap experiment. I replaced the main power cap for him to get rid of the severe hiss, that was it. Again, flawed? for sure! However, the synergy between the big horns and that little 8watt amp is stunning. So much air moving, so open and transparent, so lively and present, yet in no way fatiguing at all. 

In that set up, he was running some rather "cheap" interconnects. I built some new wires for him (nothing extravagant, but properly made) and they did reduce the noise (better shielding) and were more "open"in the presentation.

A lot of gear has gone through his place during the past year (covid...) but the Heathkit and the double horns remain. But, they can not be used as a reference tool, because their signature is so unique. He has 10 pairs of various enclosures for 4" drivers. They are all vastly different. The electronics are for sure the biggest part of the listening, tweaks to a lesser degree for me, but it all matters and all adds up.

After spending time setting up a system, tweaks and all, if you were to suddenly remove all the little details, there would be a void left in the sonics.
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