Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?

Hi All,

So I reached out to Simaudio as my amp (Simaudio Moon Titan HT200 5 channel) is getting a bit long in the tooth. It performs truly flawlessly and is just beautiful and barely even gets warm after running all day long. I was just more curious than anything about lifespan, etc. Simaudio replied right away. They said all the units they'd manufactured since 2001 are still "active". However they did recommend sending it to them (if I could be without it for a few weeks) for "cleaning and calibration".  

Couple of things, I can't even go 1 day without this unit. But beyond that just the thought of packing this thing up and shipping literally makes me cringe. I'd certainly pay extra if there was some way to avoid UPS/FedEx or any other means like that. Any recommendations and have any of you ever done something like this?

Would appreciate any advice. Thanks all in advance...
If the amp is performing well, then what's the problem?  Is this some sort of preventative maintenance?  That's not inherently a bad idea, but if there's no compelling reason to send it in, then why do it?
HILARIOUS!!!! Thanks MC, great way to talk me out of doing this, LOL! Believe me I was trying not to even let this get into my head because as I stated above my back hurts just thinking about it. I remember carrying this in literally 1 step at a time and needing a rest - and I'm in pretty damn good shape but this is the beast man!

This all just started out because I was wondering what the typical lifespan of a unit like this was (I just got it 1 year ago used) and I run it every day. I just wondered if having it "tuned up" would help extend its lifespan. And I waited almost 20 years to get my hands on this thing (could not afford it new but always wanted this unit) so I figure I want to make it last man...

If it ain't broke don't fix it...true words to live by thanks for putting that into perspective @stereo5 

I did just find out that they are within driving distance of where I live  actually (4 hrs and some change),does this change things? LOL!