The Absurdity of it All

50-60-70 year old ears stating with certainty that what they hear is proof positive of the efficacy of analog, uber-cables, your favorite latest and greatest audio "advancement." How many rock concerts under the bridge? Did we ever wear ear protection with our chain saws? Believe what you will, but hearing degrades with age and use and abuse. To pontificate authority while relying on damaged goods is akin to the 65 year old golfer believing his new $300 putter is going to improve his game. And his game MAY get better, but it is the belief that matters. Everything matters, but the brain matters the most.

 It's become whack-a-mole.  They just keep on popping up.
Worser yet..Unproven "Technology" that doesn't exist through objective means...but keeps magically appearing. Only marketing fluff with no way to prove efficacy by any type of real science or engineering.


Lets check your response.

At what point does a rack become snake oil? Are roller blocks, Isoacoustics, Springs snake oil? Power filtration? At what point does it become a "hurdle" and take away from the purity? What about cables? What are "good enough"? At what point do they stop getting better?

I'll skip ahead...

Better grounding tech? Better outlets? Cable risers? Schumann resonators? Helmholtz resonators? Diffusion panels? Absorption panels

At no point to any of these things, or any other tweaks, become a hurdle for your audio experience to have to work around. They do not in any way "mess" with the so called purity of the signal.

When people buy these products, they are not using your money. And why do you feel you are superior to all those who use these products and can experience the differences in their systems? Who died and made you the protector of all us "victims"? Not spending your money, if the products don't do what they should, the bulk of these companies will take them back. But you, you know better than all of us, right? Because you have tried all these things, listened for differences. Not better or worse, that is subjective, but differences.

If you have tried any of these things, please, enlighten us and share how you arrived at this knowledge that none of us understand.

Worser yet..Unproven "Technology" that doesn’t exist through objective means...but keeps magically appearing. Only marketing fluff with no way to prove efficacy by any type of real science or engineering.
Your affirmation are only a free belief about something you dont know...

My system is 500 bucks ...

I bought no tweaks... I created my own homemade devices at no cost and replicate at no cost some very costly one... I even invented one very powerful myself...A mechanical equalizer for the room....

Then i KNOW what could work or not by my listening experiments....

What you call a "tweak " with despise, i never bought them...Not because they dont work or never work...

Because it is easy to create your own with basic science and common sense...At low cost or even at NO cost...

I called my devices: controls in the three working embeddings dimensions of ANY audio system: mechanical,electrical and acoustical...

They are NOT secondary addition tweak to a system they are the main working controls tool of the system....

My system dont need any costly upgrade and compare favorably in the ratio S.Q. /price scale with ANYTHING... It is not the better in the absolute,not at all for sure, i am not a fool....But it is one of the best on earth for 500 bucks probably...I listen music with ZERO frustration....

Then be creative, trust your ears, and dont read too much audio reviews....

And let the pretense of science to the scientist.....Or to the sunday "scientism" skeptic club....

Audio is fun , may cost peanuts, and those who think otherwise are deluded and very loose with their money....I am not....

 My best regards with apology for my rant....

But many things must be repeated here....


Why so defensive? Did I touch a raw nerve? I have heard enough BS presentations at CES over the last 30+ years, plus I restore loudspeaker systems/components for that same amount of time, while also being a working musician for 45+ years to know what's good stuff vs. Bullstuff. There are excellent quality interconnect cables from a few bucks a foot, to making one's own for literally pennies a foot. When someone claims some breakthrough in physics for $30K for an 8 foot pair, and offers no engineering data to justify it, PT Barnum is applauding loudly. Hey...spend your money however you like, but the law in advertising such claims should be to prove objectively, first, why such a product(s) are intrinsically worth such outrageous sums.


You get it. My points exactly.

“Well, we seem to put our faith in the elderly for quite a bit nowdays, so why not in audio?”

Well said. 
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