Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?

Hi All,

So I reached out to Simaudio as my amp (Simaudio Moon Titan HT200 5 channel) is getting a bit long in the tooth. It performs truly flawlessly and is just beautiful and barely even gets warm after running all day long. I was just more curious than anything about lifespan, etc. Simaudio replied right away. They said all the units they'd manufactured since 2001 are still "active". However they did recommend sending it to them (if I could be without it for a few weeks) for "cleaning and calibration".  

Couple of things, I can't even go 1 day without this unit. But beyond that just the thought of packing this thing up and shipping literally makes me cringe. I'd certainly pay extra if there was some way to avoid UPS/FedEx or any other means like that. Any recommendations and have any of you ever done something like this?

Would appreciate any advice. Thanks all in advance...
Thank you again...Yes, if I do decide (and am leaning in that direction for all the good reasons many of you have offered such as an enjoyable road trip, want this amp to last as long as possible, the thought that its sound could actually improve) it will most definitely be well packed but I will be its chauffer. If Sim allows and they confirm the address I have is the same then that'll tip the scales and I'll do it. 4 hrs and some change drive and I can keep my eye on its travels does make the lifting and disconnecting and separation a bit easier to handle. Not sure when, I guess whenever they suggest would be the best time so as to minimize my separation from it. 

@bob540 thank you for the kind words and support. Appreciate it...Very cool man:)

@mitchagain, I have everything plugged into a Furman Elite 20PFI which is plugged into a dedicated 20 amp circuit which is under the protection of a Leviton whole house surge protector. Gotta believe I'm safe as kittens for the most part:). But thanks for sharing your experience and that is also what is driving me a bit as well, the thought that this unit could actually be improved...
Only a 4 hour drive?

Aaahhhhh, that’s nothing.
We would leave early morn, catch breakfast, drop off the amp,
Lunch on the way home. Wait a week or what it takes, drive back and pick her up. That’s what I would do these days.
Grab a basket w food, stop along the way for lunch on way home, in a field, or park somewhere and have a nice lunch with the wife and kids, or just yourself. Yup, 4 hours away, don’t change shipping. Tell them to upgrade , replace any parts, or most aging parts, caps, transistors, relays, or whatever is needed.
a nice amp like that deserves a good overhaul, plus there should be an additional warranty after upgrade. I think,ost do a 1 year, but talk with them, and maybe you can extend that.........

hope it all works out.
enjoy the road trip. BTW, just took a look at your prized amp, wow,! What a amazing looking amp, the specs are wicked good!
  Something like that would never be shipped by us, too nice to ship such a beautiful and heavy amp.

  Congrats, she is a beauty!
2 road trips? A savings of what, $1200 shipping, for a total of both ways?
Peace of mind, a chance to tour the Simaudio shop? Can’t argue with that.
Man, talk about DIY? This puts a whole new/another spin on the term.
A chance for an extension of warranty and other goodies? Ask them to through
in a brand new updated shipping crate for shiggles and gits for being such a down customer of course! 
Only 4 hrs each way. Nothing to save and update his beloved amplifier. !!

  Not looking forward to my trip to California at all!
hoping it’s many years from now, even with great chance of a successful ship trip, will be nice to get away with the family for a while. 
 Yeah, 4 hours is very much worth it!
leave early ,like 4 am. Will be ahead of all traffic ! Have breakfast as mentioned, until they pen, drop her off, ask questions, ask for a tour of your absolute favorite brand and amplifier etc etc. 

  keep us posted .....
.....will be nice to hear such a nice success story.