My new VTV Audio Class D amp arrived today

I ordered the amp from Warren with the Purifi module and the Sparkos ss3602 op amp, the latter chosen for its somewhat more relaxed sonic presentation compared to the other op amps that VTV offers.  Right out of the box, it strikes me as quite musical, without any noticeable harshness, although few inner details of the music are so far revealed.  It is dead quiet, as expected.  So with my initial favorable impressions, I will report back after it has 100 hours of run-in to comment on its SQ.  
I have the DNA .05 amp, with the Platinum Upgrades. 

t ramey,
I think the gain is around 13 db, but by connecting an internal jumper, it would increase significantly.  No need for that in my current system.  I have a Don Sachs tube preamp.  My VTV amp has no "a/c mod" so I can't answer your question.  
My initial impressions of the excellent performance of this amp have been validated after 3 weeks of listening.  I honestly don't sense much difference in the SQ  in my system during the run-in process.  It is a rather neutral sounding amp, with a degree of warmth that I prefer.  I could go on with superlatives, but I will say that it is an amp that leaves me with no desire to swap it out for my other excellent tube and SS amps.  I absolutely love it and the sound reproduction it provides in my system.  It works extremely well as a companion to my Don Sachs preamp.   I gotta have tubes in my system.

I am glad that I dispensed with my less-than-favorable experiences with earlier iterations of Class D amps and tried it out.  I am very happy in all respects of its performance.   I think that it is an astonishing bargain in the realm of high end audio.  
I find most food Class D amps are just cut out for the job. No nonsense. No esoteric flavors just clean and the F word dare I say flawless. Of course some won’t like flawless. Not everyone likes anything especially if used to esoteric flavors of tube amps for example that are just not cut out to drive many modern speakers but have nice harmonics to offer.
Of course you still have to pay attention to things like impedance matching and how much power needed to go how loud from how far but all that is a piece of cake when you have a true performer carved out from the latest innovative technology that effortlessly does the deed without breaking a sweat. Not some fossil that was the best they could do back in the 20th century.
@whitestix — as an owner of a DNA 0.5 RevA I’d be very interested in how the VTV compares to your DNA and the differences between them.  Thanks in advance!
I just bought a VTV Purifi Eval 1 that will arrive tomorrow. The company seems to have their act together and I’d rather buy from an American manufacturer. I didn’t envision getting mixed up with a confusing array of upgrades so this model was attractive to me.