Mahgister, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you understand that this does not mean that humans have "magical" properties.
dletch2 i am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you understand that all my posts in the last 24 hours related NOT to magic but to scientific fact demonstrating the little we know about the limits of humans sense system and the way in which this sense perceptive power is related affect us...
Pitch is still tone, as it is a definition and it is continuous, it does not involve attack and decay.
What you called a "definition" and by that you means something purely arbitrary or subjective WITHOUT connection to a deeper reality is discontinuous when played on an instrument producing with it his own timbre experience...And this listening experience of pitch is the usual one by musicians....
Then a pitch is not an abstract continuous tone played by a machine....This reduction betrays the acoustical condition of his human experience...pitch always implies decay and attack, or a playing vibrating particulat timbre of an instriment in concrete musical world because it is a human perception....Isolating from his experience its associate frequencies is correct at the condition to keep the baby when you throw the water....The fact that pitch to be distinguish from noise must be associated to some continuous frequency dont means that all there is about pitch is this condition...
Instruments can time two waves of the same frequency to way better than 1/4 wavelength.
Here also our fundamental different perspective create complete misunderstanding....
Accuracy by a measuring instrument is not accuracy for the listening ears/brain...
Reducing the second concept of accuracy to a the narrow technological window of the other tool is good research BUT does not replace investigation in the specific power of the human ears...The human ears use his own tool, non linear one, and many part of the brain and body are sollicited by the act of hearing.... The fact that instruments can time 2 waves better than human refer to a pure numerical concept of accuracy.... The ears do it his own way surprizingly it seems but this ears accuracy serves " an evolutive and semiotic goal " which is completely alien to our own measuring tools....
Then dont let your techological ideology which consist in the downplaying of anything meaningful to be pure "accident" or pure material phenomenon...
Or called someone like me who dont reject science but refuse to be materialist a magician like you already did in a pejorative way.... Consciousness is a primal, original, irreductible phenomenon, without which there is no facts, and which itself cannot be reduced to facts....
But you are the audio professionnal not me.... But i speak my tought at the risk of being wrong....I dont think i am wrong here with these general observations...