Small Footprint SS Power Amps

Hoping to use this forum to quickly get a list of small footprint SS power amps - 14" or less wide - for a specific application I have. I need at least 100W (prefer more), prefer A/B. I know of the Benchmark ABH2 and various Quad models. Any others you are aware of? Appreciate the help!
Ag insider logo xs@2xitball
The two options that I ended up pursuing were the SPL s800 (thanks for the suggestion @amorstereo) and a modded Quad 909. I can't find a 909 right now but may well try this for fun when I do find one. The SPL is ordered. Really appreciate all the suggestions.
I believe you are in for a real "sonic treat" when you get your S800. Please let us know what you hear when you get it. SPL is one of those companies that are relatively unknown here in the states, but highly acclaimed in Europe and Asia. 

Teajay (Terry London) aka amorstereo

“if you can afford and have the room
THOSE VINCENT monoblocs are simply wicked great.
Vincent T-700 monos. Amazing German amps!
if I had the coin, I would be all over them!”

Check out Shengya PM150. Interior looks the same. Exterior is barely different. I believe it to be the same amp and is a quarter of the price. Just like Cayin and Spark audio are the same. 
Not sure if you have ever looked into the Audiolab 8300M Mono Blocks.
Really great sounding with some power behind them(250wpc Class A/B). I have tried these on several different speakers in the shop and seem to match up well with everything I throw at them.