Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.

@peskywabbit you have a great PM and also a cool username, and agree with you on all points.
   Poor Ted , sorry to hear he’s sick . He’s been suffering for decades from another serious condition and now he has Covid on top of that , bummer ! He also suffers from L. S. D. or it’s medical name Lead Singers Disease . This condition is from an enlarged ego that puts pressure on the brain causing a type of verbal diarrhea that results in the constant need to impress people and believing one is always correct  . While not fatal, this condition is progressive and usually permanent. It has been diagnosed in both Left and Right leaning people. Other musicians that suffer this condition condition are Sammy Hagar and Ian Gillian , but it’s becoming more common and has been recently diagnosed in numerous professional athletes . L.S.D. can also cause serious rectal inflammation if the afflicted person comes into close proximity with politicians. Hopefully someday science will find a cure for this horrible condition , but we must first understand they need our help . Cheers , Mike . 
An earlier post asked how he got it. He got it at a Naples Florida market called Seed to Table. I can see the store from the end of my street and it has become yet another national embarrassment for Florida. The connection to Nugent was in our local paper. Evidently he has a condo here and is friends with the piece of human garbage  that owns the place. This is what we are forced to live with when people watch Fox news 24/7:

Anyone who steps foot in that store deserves exactly what they get. What sucks is that people such as myself and my wife, who has heart disease, will be stuck inside forever because so much of this country believe nothing but lies. The owner of the store compares Covid to heart attacks in the video, and asks why don’t we shut everything down because of heart attacks? And the reporter is too stupid to tell him “BECAUSE YOU CANNOT CATCH A HEART ATTACK!!!” As long as we have stupid people like Ted Nugent and his friend Alfie Oakes from the video spreading lies, this thing is going nowhere. 
"Lead Singers Disease" 
buellrider97- It's  a condition the CDC has been ignoring unfortunately.

"musicians that suffer this condition condition are Sammy Hagar"
Let's just remember Sammy as the lead singer of Montrose.

"Add Bono to your list."
pesky_wabbit-Bono couldn't keep his mouth shut in the 80's. About when entertainers/sports figures started being listended to outside of what their "job" is.