Brand Synergy

What’s your thoughts on brand synergy?
20-30 years ago when I tried to persuade brand synergy I thought it very important but not anymore. Now my approach is more customised and brand synergy not important at all for me. Is brand synergy something more than just tech specs matching for you?
@surfmuzI “If Brand Synergy is being about to use one remote then just buy a universal remote?“

Good one!
Single brand is not a requirement but an advantage. I think it is now more relevant than ever before. Very definitely true for the larger high end audio companies like Audio Research, McIntosh, and Conrad Johnson. I’m sure others as well.
:) not sure if universal remotes will work equally with any component, specially with high end tubed staff !?
The only brand synergy I know is that the face plates look the same. I never had a sonic improvement by matching a single manufacturers gear, quite the opposite in fact. 
+1 here.
and even more, some gear manufacturers comes out with a bold statements like for example “Great British Sound” in form of a sign on the face plates. Honestly, I don’t give a clue how they determinate this.