A New Twist on the Usual DAC Question

I have been searching the archives for DAC questions but here is a different one:

What DAC do you think represents the best VALUE?

By value, I dont mean the cheapest, "under $1000" etc, but what DAC gives the best ratio of

1) highest % of "state of the art" performance per dollar
2) greatest musical enjoyment

3) For the candidates you propose, could you also mention the types of inputs, please?

Ideally, I would like to use the DAC with at least a PC and a redbook player, and may also use an SACD.

Dont know if this is possible, but in any case, look forward to hearing your ideas and opinions.
Think at that price (and even higher) you may have problems finding SACD.Thiunk that may folks will reccomend at this price Perpetual DAC and it's PS.Think you can get them upgrated from a number of sources but underwood wally say's hjis have been approved by manufacturer and won't void warranty.Not sure if you ned Toslink or other types of inputs but again at the price you may be limited.I expoect down line fire wire or HDMI (though this may just be video stadard now)expect some sort of "fast" transfer will be come standardbut no new standard has become ubiquitous beyond optical and stanbdard RCA digital out.
if I'm not mistaken, there's no such thing as a DAC for SACD (in fact, the conspiracy theorists among us think that SACD was an attempt on the part of the record companies to save themselves from copying and piracy).
thanks so far

but when searching the archives, I would have sworn I read a couple of threads talking about Sony SCD-1 out into another DAC...

Maybe that was just for redbook?
The SCD-1 can output a 44.1 datastream when playing a CD, but has no digital output from SACD. Meitner Labs, Accuphase, and Sony have all implemented proprietary encrypted digital links for passing DSD data from SACD.