
Does anyone know if McIntosh is shipping any amps. I ordered a pre-amp 2 months ago
Ordered a MX123 today and was told 4- 8 weeks. Wait and see. Lucked out on the MC257 as they had it in stock.
Took me 2 weeks to get an Apple watch! The $399 basic unit, not the Hermes.
Chip shortage or is someone artificially constricting the supply chain to set new price floors?
Is this a real post and how does THIS make the highlight reel??

Would anyone really post this question on a forum vs communication with their dealer/mfg?
Ordered the Int Amp from a McIntosh dealer End of OCT last year, and was told to get it mid Nov but finally got it Jan 2021. Called McIntosh direct and was told it was back ordered due to sky high demand and less part. Happy with my Amp and worth the wait! 
I’m waiting on mc611 that was ordered 3 months ago and MB50 for 2 months. My dealer said they McIntosh is not giving any estimated time for shipping. They are way back ordered. 🤔🤔