Preamps opinion

Hello all,

My setup contains atc scm 40 mk2 speakers, hegel h160 as a pre, and bryston 4bsst2 power amp... Now I want to change my hegel h160 with a dedicated pre amplifier. 

My candidates on second hand are bryston bp26, audio research ls 26, ref 3, ref 5se(if i find budget)

What are your opinions about these matches? 


You’ve got 2 x gains you can have on the Bryston 23dB or 29dB, this will be ideal for a Schiit Freya+ pre SE or XLR, 3 different peamps in one passive, tube or solid state. And it’s got remote.

Cheers George
In my limited experience a tube preamp with bring more tone and texture to the sound. Ymmv.