looking for advice on bookshelf speakers

I am a audiophile who suffers frequent headaches. I still try and listen to music daily . I am only able to listen for an hour at a time. My current speakers are Paradigm Studio Reference 40 v2's . The treble is the hardest part for my listening sessions. Can people tell me of a good monitor that has mild treble . Maybe laid back is a good term for what i am looking for.I will be buying used with a budget of say $1,000 to $1500. If you know of any, that would be a great help. Also maybe a certain integrated amp would have a more pleasing sound ? Thank you !
I came down with meningitis following a spine fusion surgery six years ago and one of the after effects is a sensitivity to higher pitches and higher frequencies.

Speakers that have worked for me: Rega Aras (now RS1s), Ascend Acoustics Sierras 1, and Opera Plateas (the Opera Seconda is the closest current model). I currently have a pair of Totem Mites in a bedroom system which after a year I have mixed feelings about. I find that I can not listen to them for more than an hour. Energy RC10s and Wharfedale 9.2 worked for awhile, but not in the long run. B&W speakers, across the board, seem to annoy me.

I find tubes more pleasing than solid state, so the Prima Luna amps are the cornerstones of my system.


Wow. I feel sorry for you guys/gals. I hope hat you can find something that is pleasing to listen to.
For speakers, go with something from Harbeth or Spendor, paired with a tube integrated from Cayin or Jolida. Should be able to pull this off for $2,500.
Try a towel over the tweeter adding or subtracting layers first. You may not need new speakers.