looking for advice on bookshelf speakers

I am a audiophile who suffers frequent headaches. I still try and listen to music daily . I am only able to listen for an hour at a time. My current speakers are Paradigm Studio Reference 40 v2's . The treble is the hardest part for my listening sessions. Can people tell me of a good monitor that has mild treble . Maybe laid back is a good term for what i am looking for.I will be buying used with a budget of say $1,000 to $1500. If you know of any, that would be a great help. Also maybe a certain integrated amp would have a more pleasing sound ? Thank you !
Wow. I feel sorry for you guys/gals. I hope hat you can find something that is pleasing to listen to.
For speakers, go with something from Harbeth or Spendor, paired with a tube integrated from Cayin or Jolida. Should be able to pull this off for $2,500.
Try a towel over the tweeter adding or subtracting layers first. You may not need new speakers.
I'm another who doesn't tolerate over emphasized high frequencies very well. The suggestion of finding a monitor with a soft dome tweeter is a starting point but not always the answer.
I recently purchased a pair of Dynaudio 1.3SEs which use a soft dome tweeter but I found I kept turning the volume down. They really bothered my ears. Oddly enough, I'm currently listening to the Dynaudio Focus 110s and seriously keep turning them up. Go figure.
What I have found is a good speaker makes me want to turn the volume up. Not because the speakers don't sound good at low volume, but because they sound so good I just want to hear more.
My favorite monitors are the Soliloquy 5.0s. They sound very right with no listener fatigue. Another speaker I enjoy is the Snell J-7. They are about the same size as your Paradigms. Extremely detailed and clean without being harsh on the ear. I believe their clean sound is what keeps them from sounding harsh.
BTW, I used to own the Studio 60v.2.