Have to disagree that the speaker is the most important. The room is the most important followed by system synergy.I am glad to be with another audiophile with common sense....
Almost no existing design with the usual technology could nullify or exceed the acoustic control of the room...
Someone not knowing that is the victim of marketing hypnosis or delude itself with a product which is related to what most people called their "taste"...Speakers design is always TRADE_OFF not a miracle cures of all problem...
By the way a natural sounding instrument timbre is a fact not a "taste" ....Imaging and listener envelopment are acoustical factors not "taste"....
Yes room treatments affect this also.Any speaker need room acoustic control to reach his peak working possibility.... And no passive material treatment can do it only by itself in a room under 20 feet....Sorry....
Reverberation time is useful if we know how to use it with the timing of early and late reflections using also ACTIVE mechanical control to adapt the speakers limitations and ENHANCE them with the room controls (Helmholtz resonators grid).....
Ignoring acoustic put you in the arm of speakers publicity designers market....
Give me any speaker for a small room i will adapt the room to it and he will sound next to a very costlier speakers...