Klipsch Cornwall IV

Hello all,

I'm interested in what people who have heard the speaker feel about it. I currently run spatial M3 turbos and have an all tube analog setup ( line magnetic, hagerman ) with an oppo 105 being the digital front end.

Previous speakers have been acoustic zen, reference 3A, Maggie 3.6, and triangles. I am more concerned with a huge immersive sound stage than I am with pinpoint imagery. I have a big room and have plenty of space between the back wall and my speakers if I need it.

Any thoughts?
Thanks @ozzy62 

Did you pickup locally or have delivered via freight?

I am curious as to the freight delivery experience. I live in a single family home with a driveway that has a slight incline leading to the front porch.

Can you negotiate (i.e., tip the driver) to bring the speakers all the way to the front porch? I can manage from there.
Mine were delivered freight, strapped to a pallet. Usually the driver will do something like that for a tip. Worse case scenario is he can drop them at the bottom of the driveway and you can bring each box up one at a time with a hand truck.
JC, if you have any dumbbells lying around,I would start with 3 sets of 20 twice a day. JK Definitely pay the driver to get these inside lol

Also, word of advice. Before ordering anything by mail, if there is a possibility of utilizing the return policy, consider the ergonomics of returning said item before making the order.
Revisiting some of my amps with the CW4, after further tweaking speaker positioning and placing them on some Herbie’s gliders, I have to agree with @ozzy62 : high-quality lower wattage can drive them beautifully. The 18w Luxman integrated is sounding pretty fantastic and generating excellent bass, well-controlled and accurate, with no strain. I still don’t think a 2A3 SET is right for this speaker in my room, but I question the need for more than 15-20 quality watts, and even fewer in a smaller room.
The 18w Luxman integrated is sounding pretty fantastic and generating excellent bass, well-controlled and accurate, with no strain. I still don’t think a 2A3 SET is right for this speaker in my room, but I question the need for more than 15-20 quality watts, and even fewer in a smaller room.
There's a big difference between SET and P-P in that a P-P amp can use about 90% of its power where an SET can use about 20-25% before distortion is a problem.

I like the system to be a bit more relaxed so my tendency is to use an amp with a bit more power still.