Talk to Cory or Steven. Great price, but I doubt you'll get a return option.
Klipsch Cornwall IV Talk to Cory or Steven. Great price, but I doubt you'll get a return option. Oz |
Thanks @ozzy62 Did you pickup locally or have delivered via freight? I am curious as to the freight delivery experience. I live in a single family home with a driveway that has a slight incline leading to the front porch. Can you negotiate (i.e., tip the driver) to bring the speakers all the way to the front porch? I can manage from there. |
JC, if you have any dumbbells lying around,I would start with 3 sets of 20 twice a day. JK Definitely pay the driver to get these inside lol Also, word of advice. Before ordering anything by mail, if there is a possibility of utilizing the return policy, consider the ergonomics of returning said item before making the order. |
Revisiting some of my amps with the CW4, after further tweaking speaker positioning and placing them on some Herbie’s gliders, I have to agree with @ozzy62 : high-quality lower wattage can drive them beautifully. The 18w Luxman integrated is sounding pretty fantastic and generating excellent bass, well-controlled and accurate, with no strain. I still don’t think a 2A3 SET is right for this speaker in my room, but I question the need for more than 15-20 quality watts, and even fewer in a smaller room. |