We all parrot the same crap now - that our systems are transparent and disappear, but do they?Mine does.
But seriously, what you're talking about, "music", we focus on the sound with our systems but music is much more than sound. It comes from the root "muse" the nine goddesses who presided over science and the arts. Today we use the word muse to mean the source of inspiration.
When you are young and life has yet to beat you down you are full of hope and promise and inspiration. So of course music, which you now know means of or like a muse, inspires you. It still does- if you are young at heart.
Had a wonderful long talk with Ted Denney the other night. Now there's a man still young at heart. Boy is he ever in the right line of work!
There really is nothing in "music" then that requires sound. See? Like in Margin Call when the Jeremy Irons character has just been told the financial world is about to collapse, he says the music has stopped.
We audiophiles work in a realm that is passing strange. We want perfect sound to create something that does not even require sound at all. No wonder one of the more common complaints is here we go down the rabbit hole.