Sony SCD-1 vs Musical Fidelity Tri Vista

Can anyone compare these two players? I already own the Tri Vista and am very happy with it but, I keep wondering if the Sony offers something more. I do listen to SACD quite a bit.
Thanks Chuck and Rex. When I was comparing players I never had a chance to listen to the Sony. I just wanted to make sure I was not missing out on something. Your descrition of the Sony sound confirms that I made the right choice. I appreciate your responses.
IMO the SCD-1 modded by VSEI, Modwright, or Reference Audio Mods will murder the Tri Vista, and just about everything else.
I respect your right to your opinion, but is that an opinion based on actually comparing the two in question?

I compared the Modwright version to the MF Tri-Vista, the MF sounds more musical to me.
Here is another question just in case a Tri Vista owner checks this thread again. I bought mine used and it may or may not have a problem. When I close the cd drawer by pushing the button ( not pushing the drawer) there is a hesitation for a second or two before the drawer starts to close. I hear the drawer motor start, but nothing happens right away. When it does start moving the action is smooth and solid until fully closed. Do other Tri Vistas do this?