Raven Audio Nighthawk

So the scuttlbutt on the Raven integrated amps is pretty good. But just how good are they? Are they good when compared to other comparably priced tube integrateds? Or are they better than some heavy hitters?

I currently have a NOSvalves ST-45 amp paired with a Don Sachs Model 2 (latest version) preamp and I am extremely happy with this pairing. With that said, I guess there is nothing really that I'm looking to improve. But since we all know how this game goes, I just wonder how much better (or not) the Blackhawk III would be. Consolidating two pieces down to one chasis is an attractive idea too.

I would love to hear from you if you own a Nighthawk or Blackhawk or have auditioned one against something else. I know they offer a 45 day trial period, but from my calculations if I don't like it it will cost me close to 400.00 out of pocket once the dust settles. So I'd like to go into this with a warm fuzzy that it's pretty darn good.


Your story reminds me of one time bringing home a phono stage for audition. The store only gave me overnight, I wound up being rushed for time and decided to just plug it in on the floor using the factory cord. It was crap. What a joke. How anyone ever thought this turd was worth anything. Next morning got up early had some time before taking it back moved it to on the BDR Shelf and Cones and power cord and holy crap now we're talking! 

Then recently I was comparing cables and the old ones had been treated with TC while the new ones were bare. In some respects the new ones were better but in others there is just no way until I evened the playing field with TC on the new ones. 

The thing is if you are going to compare apples with apples, compare apples with apples not apples with something almost but not quite
Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Please let us know how the story progresses.
Congrats @kingbarbuda, glad you like the amp. I ended up with an Aric Audio amp and could not be happier.

Congratulations to you as well!
I thought you would be very impressed.  A friend has an Aric Audio 300b SET and he simply loves it. Aric is doing excellent work across the board.
@ozzy62 Thanks! Glad to hear the Aric is working out. Is that a 300B amp?

@charles1dad I also have that inexpensive Boyuurange A50 Mk3 300B tube amp that Steve Gutenberg reviewed before. I think Thomas & Stereo will be reviewing it, as well. The amp cost me with sales tax around $800. I think it is tremendous. This is the amp that convinced me to really dive into tubes and see what a higher end tube amp, like the Raven Blackhawk could do.