Are these streams being replaced... node 2i, and PS

Hi everyone,
I'm looking to replace my Logitech touch squeezebox and I. Looking at the 
node 2i Which I see on Amazon is priced at $486. Is Bluesound preparing to 
replace this with a newer model? Also, is PS audio planing on discontinuing 
the DS Dac? Thanks! 
Anyone make a streamer these days with form and function like Squeezebox Touch?  
I wouldn't jump to too many conclusions from the price drop on Amazon - the price was even lower in the Fall. And various online audio dealers show it in stock at the regular price.
DirectStream has new firmware coming any day.
Just load piCore player on a Magna Mano or a RasPi. It runs LMS with all the plug-ins.
It streams almost anything from Roon to Pandora.