I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery

Just a quick note.  Things around here on Audiogon have been interesting over the past couple of weeks as I've watched a number of trolls shift the tenor of the discussions.

I wanted to say that I fully support information sharing, doing things ourselves, experimentation and ways to broaden who is among us.

The idea that you are or are not an audiophile based on what you have spent, or what exclusive line of products you have purchased is not one I want to support.  We should find ways to share, not exclude our passion and grow our dwindling numbers.

Building kits and systems with the younger generation is a fantastic way of getting them into STEM as well as into audio, not to mention builds light years worth of knowledge in very little time.  As I've said before, our hobby was built by experimenters, tinkerers and lovers of music much more so than by lovers of spending.

I'll support inclusive, fact based discussions and those who are intellectually curious every time I can.
OK, time to bring it home. Here are my feelings on eric’s "I’m here for the sharing, not the snobbery" thread.

I have been on this website for 20 years, and in the last two or so there have been a couple of members join who post incessantly that are functional, verbally fluent, but otherwise unbalanced, manipulative, self absorbed and craftily nasty. I wouldn’t give a s**t and would just ignore them but their presence is on virtually every other post.  One of them even went out of his way to insult Almarg until he realized how popular Al was.  Until they go away this website will not be what it once was.

Before you think I am some kind of pansy, I don’t mind a little or even a lot of controversy, I had absolutely no problem with geoffkait and frankly wish he was back.
It's difficult to imagine any other field that's inherently argumentative.

I think my marriage kinda fits the bill
As one who has recently posted a "controversial" thread I have lurked with this discussion since, for me, is kinda like saying water is wet. Everyone says they want civility when in deed, they want total agreement with their opinion. IMO, This is one of the reasons for this posts’ popularity & mostly lack of division (and Lord knows we need that now!) So, Thanks @erik_squires for your thread.

One of the problem on any forum or discussion is "facts". Everyone is interested in the "FACTS" But facts actually say nothing until their interpretation. There is where the disagreement starts.

I may seem somewhat new here because I haven’t posted that much until recently. But I was pretty active here and AA since I started here in 2000. I’ve seen A’gon change formats, owners and posters. There has always been some sarcasm, banter, etc but it was mostly civil & well intentioned IMO. . And there has always been "troublesome" know it all who is totally dogmatic in his view and cannot agree to disagree. But they were a vast minority and were not encouraged. However now we have had an influx of these types recently.

As in the Bible & most religions, there are commandments and personal convictions. There are some pretty hard and fast rules. But there is personal preference too. I suggest there is far more of the later than the former. When people cannot agree to disagree on these personal preferences, we will have a lack of civility.
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