In anything there are two side for any coin...
It is simpler and deeper to recognize this fact...
Arguing after that is less attack and more complementarity...
Anyway most audio engineers are also artists for example...
Then all arguing about something comes less from being right than being forfgetful of something...
Save for being patently wrong or very "forgetful" here like thinking that for example "absorbing all reflections" is always good for acoustic impression...
Because some reflections are in fact and in truth good for the acoustical timing threshold control.... This is a side coin? No the coin is acoustic here, not only the reflection concept...
Then seeing two sides is possible if we look the encompassing perspective and not the details only...
it is more easy to love someone than hating it....Generally.... But for some case being "Christlike" is mandatory....
And anyway it is mandatory to become Buddah or Christlike....No choices here....
«Give me your popsicle please and you will be Christlike»-Groucho Marx
It is simpler and deeper to recognize this fact...
Arguing after that is less attack and more complementarity...
Anyway most audio engineers are also artists for example...
Then all arguing about something comes less from being right than being forfgetful of something...
Save for being patently wrong or very "forgetful" here like thinking that for example "absorbing all reflections" is always good for acoustic impression...
Because some reflections are in fact and in truth good for the acoustical timing threshold control.... This is a side coin? No the coin is acoustic here, not only the reflection concept...
Then seeing two sides is possible if we look the encompassing perspective and not the details only...
it is more easy to love someone than hating it....Generally.... But for some case being "Christlike" is mandatory....
And anyway it is mandatory to become Buddah or Christlike....No choices here....
«Give me your popsicle please and you will be Christlike»-Groucho Marx