Insuring Your Vinyl Collection and Equipment

My insurance company will not insure my vinyl and CD collection as part of my home insurance policy. It basically is beyond them how to deal with the collection of a couple thousand records.

Looking for suggestions on where and how you've insured your collection and even your equipment.

Thank you!
Nobody is insuring vinyl and audio equipment will cost you to much.Good luck though.
I’m speaking from experience. My gear was stored in overseas foul weather containers for 16 years. Mcintosh C22 a pair of MC240 with consecutive serial numbers a Micro Seiki TT (ALL tricked out), Manley tube EQ, Otari RtR, a crate of RtR tapes and a tricked out direct head play back unit made by Manley at the time. A LOT of time and effort was saved there when the kids got their own places..

I go out to look one day, the lock is broke in the garage, Hmmmm!

Sure enough the shop was tore to pieces.. and the containers were gone.

Try explaining to an insurance person what a VALVE is. There was a foot locker FULL of NOS valves... FULL. 15k there alone.. 3 SME 3009/3012 tonearms. They think you’re crazy..


A guy that worked for the insurance took note AND took over the case. I was smoking hot by now and had contacted my lawyer. I had worked out who did the deed.. YUP the neighbor kid I helped RAISE.. I didn’t see that coming.. NONE of the stuff was recovered EXEPT they found a box with 8 - 10 master reels in it... The KID thought they were cool.. 364 days he served.. They found a loaded 38 that had KILLED someone in the car with him..

The claim went from 5k because they wouldn’t look for prices to over 50K..

They took notice then.. I didn’t know it BUT I had replacement cost insurance. All new Mac gear. I replaced it all.. LESS the RtR tapes.. Just no way to get the ones I remembered having... Long gone..

Farmers...Gregg was Great.. Two years he stuck with me in spite of my own (BAD) self.. Took a while to cool down.. 3 years...Kid broke my heart.. last one I’ve tried to help, until last year.. We'll see..

Sounds like a JK Simmons commercial, extended cut.
All I got from them was a replacement for a Paramount bike that was lifted from the garage.
Those were the days. Before they started jacking the whole car or at least the catylitic while you’re sleepin’.
"I don't always make claims, but when I do, it takes a while to cool down"
oldhvymec - The most interesting man in the world.

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