TotalDAC D1 Driver-anyone using one yet?

I'm reading that TotalDAC has a product called the D1 Driver that can sit between the DAC and preamp, or between the DAC (with volume control) and the amp directly. It acts like the active part of the preamp. This D1 driver component does not have a volume control, but is said to enhance the SQ. It's said to address the "does the DAC sound better with or without a preamp" question. I have reviewed the TotalDAC website and read one of the professional reviews, but it seems like the translation to English might be a bit off.  Lots of exciting prose, but I am still looking for more information. Has anyone heard an implementation of the D1 driver?
No, but I have a Townsend Allegri passive coming on Tuesday to shoot it out with my ARC REF10. I have too many changes to be as thoughtful as I should be, but I also have a used Vivaldi stack coming which can also go direct. That said the Allegri is supposed to be great in that combo. Since I am Digital only the REF10 while totally cool isn't really necessary. I'll let you know what the Allegri ref does with my Bartok streamer.
Sorry, one other thought. I tried to slip one by my wife who is a musician and has a better ear than I. I went dCS Bartok direct to the JC1+s and didn't tell her I did anything, but asked her how the system sounded. She said..."it sounds flat like a car radio". She pulls no punches. When I worked at listening to why I liked the sound, I realized that I fell for the analytical/detailed sound at the expense of an alive sound. I am prone to this mistake.
You are not alone. Not at all. From what I can see it is mainstream. That is why my comments on the first power cord Lubos sent me. An awful lot of guys would go gaga for it. But to me it was analytical, lacking body and palpable presence. He totally solved that with Nova and especially Supernova. That is what makes them so awesome. The combination of super neutral analytical speed and detail with a full warm liquid character is the sound that comes closest to that real "alive" sound.