.I remain pleased with my systems dynamics, soundstage, detail, BUT am always wondering about TONE...Human ears/brain are programmed by the voice timbre perception...
When i worked fine tuning for 2 years my acoustical treatment and other controls, and for the last month full time my mechanical equalizer, i listened instrument timbre playing a tone for sure.... But EVERYBODY know how must sound human voice.... A voice singing tone, for example using a choir recording with children, women and male, or opera singing.... This is the best test....
No need to be musician to recognize the natural human voice....Just use many voices type....
Try this one to begin with....Only four male voices very well recorded on youtube....
This opera is exceptionally well recorded.... The youtube file give an idea...
You can test ALL acoustic features with only this file : Timbre perception, soundstage, imaging, listener envelopment, source width....
If you listen the singers singing behind your back or walking and turning head when singing your system is good if not you lack acoustical control....