Us: hobbyists vs perfectionists vs aural epicureans vs rampant consumers vs bad Buddhists?

Anyone care to discuss this? How do you think of yourself in reference to your urge/itch/compulsion to upgrade your system?

If you find this topic silly or pointless or offensive, why not post in another thread that interests you more?

In all my years here I don’t remember anyone else requesting that another member be "banned

I have called out at least one poster who called for Mc’s removal. And I have seen others
Fwiw I don’t like anyone removed because of someone’s disagreement with their idea
I'm in the Epicurean camp. It has to be rare - and used - before I will buy it! Two recent arrivals: Sony 7000ES DVD player (formerly TOTL)  and the Koss ESP-6 electrostatic headphones (with case and adapter). Both uncommon! Several years ago I bought a rare Futterman Harvard Music H3 OTL amp - and paid a pretty penny for it! Just go and try to find one of these! This one came from the original owner who had Julius Futterman install a pair of Altec autoformers  on it so it could drive low impedance speakers safely.
Anybody with enough means can pull out a credit card and buy whatever new unit touted by the "golden ears" crowd. What fun is that!