Speaker cables under 1k used

I am contemplating trying out some new cables. I noticed you can normally buy used cables for less than 50% of the mew cost. 
In the past I bought some lower level Nordhost. Hated them. Very detailed but VERY thin sounding with little bass. Also tried some Analysis Plus lower level cables. Same thing, thin sounding but better than the Nordhost. Currently and for years running cables I bought from Odyssey Audio that were around 150 bucks or so. I think I’m happy with them. They don’t seem to be obviously voiced in any way. So I do believe there is a difference, I am on the fence whether I believe there is much of a difference if it’s a good quality cable that’s not obviously had resistance (or whatever) messed with to be voiced in some way. 
Looking for something on the full side with good bass and extended but not harsh treble. 
Current equipment:

Pioneer (Tad) S1EX speakers
parasound A21
Jolida Tube Preamp
RME ADI-2 dac

any recommendations of some good mid priced cables to keep an eye out for would be appreciated. 

I have a $450 pair of fake AQ wel reference 5' full range with Bochinno spades. They have 8 conductors per leg. The neg has 4 silver plated coppers and the pos has two silver plated coppers, there is a drain wire in the mix too. The middle of the wires has a complex wrapping of air tubes and very tightly wound insulation. I was using Kimber 12 tc, two full range wires in bi-wire mode. The fake  AQ blew them away in every aspect.

 I say you build your own wires using solid core copper wire with different awg and a few silvers in the mix, or build the helix style as touted here. I'm gonna do that myself. 
Wire World has been making excellent cables for decades. As WW improves their cables previous models become available as users move up. Best is series 8, but 6-7 should fit your sonic needs
Nordost requires careful system matching and I had a similar experience as the OP. You may wish to consider triode wire labs products. I use their speaker cables and interconnects. They present an organic and detailed sound without ever sounding  analytical. YMMV
I agree, Nordost can be tricky. Their high end interconnects on high end system are truly amazing, but less exotic systems they can reveal system weaknesses... sound bright and thin.