Lest we forget, it has been stated many times that Synergistic will replace blown fuses.
Yes it’s much better for "snake oil manufacturers" to hang on to your $150 and give you another 10c fuse instead, they could keep doing that many times and still be in front
I remember as a Electronics Engineer designing and building Electronics for the Navy, we had a saying that a five thousand dollar part will protect a five cents fuse by blowing first.  I can't tell you the number of times that the expensive part fried before the correctly spec'd fuse was suppose to blow.

just a side note on the path to enlightenment.

Most of the fuses in audio equipment is there as a safety measure not to protect the equipment, but to prevent fire. A fuse might blow before damage to the equipment but that's not what the primary purpose is.
I think this thread answers the question of the "Where Are The Young Audiophiles" thread.
The Millenials suffered through the Great Recession and a huge increase in college tuition; disposable income for many of them is illusionary.

Gen Z's are content with instant access to libraries of playlists on devices costing three figures at most.

The idea of a $2500 fuse is simply out-of-bounds.