So done with audiophile fuses

The journey started with a medium priced ($50) fuse in my power supply.  A failed rectifier tube blew that one out.  Not a fuse problem.  Next up was a blue fuse in my pre amp.  It blew and was not caused by a pre amp problem.  Apparently they sometimes are more sensitive and it was replaced by an orange fuse two values higher.  Things were going along fine.  I replaced the pre amp with a newer version of the pre amp and it has the same fuse value.  Five months latter (today) I turn on the pre amp and nothing.  it's a five month old pre amp so I suspected that it was the fuse.  Sure enough, I replaced it with a ceramic Littelfuse of the lower correct value it works fine.  No more wasting my money on unstable fuses for me.     
I use SR Orange in my Line Magnetic LM-508ia and it makes a difference. No issues whatsoever. Very happy end user. 
" So let me get this straight: you cannot hear any difference between a Synergistic Orange and a ceramic Littlefuse. Okay. I can believe that. But then why were you paying money using expensive fuses that you cannot hear in the first place? "
  He paid money because he was fooled into thinking it would improve his sound by a bunch of pseudo-scientific jargonj and opinions promulgated mainly by the gullible and those who make money from the gullible. He is learning about snake oil at his own expense but at least he is learning.
  Question for you fuse nuts. Are these directional too just like cables? ;D Does it help if fuses are wrapped in tin foil or should that remain the domain of fine audio haberdashery? Should I use heavy or thin tin foil and how many wraps around the fuse? I hear tightly wrapped is a good thing, heh heh.
Yeah, sorry.  There are already nuts in earlier threads who think fuses are directional.

It also makes a difference how they are twisted in the holder.

I put a little bit of salt inside, it brings out the high frequencies very nicely.  Must draw out any dampness inside.  A damp fuse is a poor-sounding fuse.

Conditioning the fuse in the oven at 87C for 39 minutes gives a sheen on the metal end barrels that increases the front to back soundstage.  It would be interesting to try 92C for an hour - would probably be different.

............................... (insert your own nonsense)

etc, etc etc, ad nauseam.
This is an issue of inrush current at initial turn on. I've experienced boutique fuse failure only with tube amps and preamps, ss devices have never given me a problem. You can replace with higher value and they will survive the initial current surge, have to take in account there might be warranty issues.
I switched from plain glass fuses to ceramic and did detect a noticeable difference.  Not earth-shattering, but noticeable.  My fuse experiment ended there.  

Until I took the fuses out of my Maggies and replaced them with like-sized sections of silver tube.  Another noticeable difference.  That's where it REALLY ended.