Stereo Times review on Audio Note UK DAC 3.1/II just went live

My review for the Stereo Times website just was posted tonight. As I explain I have had in the last three years over 12 DACs in for review, ranging in price from $1,000 to $45,000. Well, the Audio Note UK DAC3.1/II was so much more musical and analog in nature that I was somewhat taken aback by its performance in my system.

For all the details regarding this DACs performance and why I purchased it after the review take a look at the review piece. If you are looking for DAC at the present time, I highly recommend you consider auditioning one of the Audio Note DACs before you purchase your next digital front end.

Teajay (Terry London)
I was witness to some interesting horse trading of Audio Note DACs at Deja Vu about six or seven years ago. A customer came in looking to audition a DAC 5 which he hoped to partially finance by trading in his DAC 4.  The owner of the shop, Vu Hoang, recalled that another customer with a DAC 3 was interested in trading up to the DAC 4.  He called the customer with the DAC 3 and had him come into the shop with the DAC 3.  I got to listen to the three DACs played in a blind comparison.  At the end of the audition, the DAC 3 owner traded it in and took the DAC 4 of the other customer who decided to trade up to the DAC 5.  I personally thought that the DAC 4 was the sweet spot.  The DAC 5 was better by a slight margin, but, it was WAY more expensive.
Well, I’m pretty happy with my 2.1x Sig. which I consider the “sweet spot “ of Audio Note DAC’s.  To each his own,
@doni awesome I'm happy with my Dac-3 Sig from 1995 recently recapped and sounds great to each their own indeed.
Both the DAC2.1x Signature , or The DAC2.1x/II Balanced are great performers. Very happy with my DAC 3.1x/II Balanced.